A Leading UK Telecom Company Optimized Customer Support

Leveraging virtual sessions and automation to enhance service and cut costs

A leading UK telecom company saw a chance to make the most of its engineers’ schedules. Engineers often had short windows of free time during the day, which was perfect for fitting in productive virtual sessions that weren’t long enough for on-site visits. The company noticed the workload was uneven, with engineers in city areas constantly occupied while those in rural regions could utilize time normally reserved for travel. By recognizing this, the company found a way to balance their engineers’ workloads better and improve overall efficiency.

The Visual Intelligence Difference

TechSee’s virtual sessions significantly improved the efficiency of the leading Telco customer support team. Connecting customers with virtual or field service engineers reduced site visits by 53% and resolved issues on the spot.

The telecom company also implemented an automated WhatsApp flow to prompt customers with scheduled visits for internet issues to receive an engineer call. This targeted customers 3-5 days before their appointment, explaining the purpose and allowing them to select convenient time slots, further enhancing issue resolution efficiency.


Tech Dispatch


Operations Costs


NPS Improvements