Faster, Visual, Virtual

Site Assessment for EV Charging Installation

% accuracy
Euro annual savings
Percent faster delivery


The first step in installing a commercial EV charging station is to provide a quote. This process
typically requires service providers to send experts to each work site. Engineers assess the
electricity infrastructure and capture pictures of site, so they can deliver a quote. This process is slow, manpower intensive and costly. Service providers feel the pressure to improve speed and reduce costs as competition in the EV space intensifies, as clients now have more quoted options to consider.

The Visual Engagement Difference

Operational leadership upgraded and digitized their electric station installment quote process, with TechSee. Using virtual sessions to gather information, analyze the site and infrastructure is a true game changer. With visual remote engagement, a live visual
session gives the ability to view site, see electricity infrastructure and analyze the data on the spot.

As a result, the time to send a quote not only reduces dramatically, costs saved from converted and non converted quotes mean significant benefits to the organization. Due to faster quote cycles, agent and customer satisfaction grew tremendously. This is also illustrated by 99% of agents stating they got exactly what they needed from a visual engagement session.

TechSee's virtual visual engagement transformed the way we work. We can now deliver quotes in half the time, and at a fraction of cost. This has been a win-win-win for customer, expert technicians and our leadership.

VP Electric mobility solutions

We believe that showing
is better than telling.