How IT Can Boost Adoption of Remote Support Tools

In the new normal shaped by COVID-19, many IT departments face the challenge of supporting a newly formed or extended work-from-home (WFH) staff structure, a model which looks like it’s here to stay. CIOs are pausing non-critical IT projects and shifting their budgets to the implementation of technologies that improve productivity – such as digital workspaces, remote collaboration and remote customer support tools  – while simultaneously focusing on cost optimizations.

While remote support technologies offer multiple benefits, many IT leaders currently report that their teams are struggling to achieve the desired levels of adoption by both employees and customers.

A special TechSee report, “How IT can Boost the Adoption of Remote Customer Support Tools,” takes an in-depth look at three key drivers of adoption of remote technologies by employees and customers.

  1. Reducing employee effort through seamless integrations and ubiquitous access
  2. Reducing customer effort through browser-based connection, no-stress interactions via digital channels, consolidated platforms, and non-intrusive support that ensures privacy
  3. Engaging leadership by providing management with visibility into how the technology supports company goals

If you are an IT specialist charged with supporting a WFH staff, increasing productivity, and cutting costs, you’ll benefit from learning more about how to encourage greater adoption of remote customer support tools. Download the full report now.


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