Ensuring Business Continuity for Field Service Providers with Visual Assistance

In uncertain times, field service organizations inevitably find themselves on the front lines. Keeping critical equipment up and running means leveraging the latest technologies to cut Total Time to Resolution, reduce tech dispatch and follow-up visit rates, and ensure safety for key personnel and customers alike.

Watch the webinar that will show you how Remote Visual Assistance works and what it can do for your business.

You’ll discover:

  • How the principles of business continuity planning apply to your field service organization
  • How Visual Assistance enables your employees to shift to the back office, ensuring technician safety while remotely supporting customers
  • Best practices of field service organizations using AR-powered video assistance during the coronavirus crisis

Settle in for a thought-provoking session and learn all about a technology that’s proven to deliver for many of the world’s leading enterprises. Just enter your details and we’ll send you the viewing link.

Watch another webinar to learn more about how  field service organizations benefit from remote visual assistance.

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